get your feet wet

jelentése / meaning:
kipróbál valamit, nekilát valaminek,
 kipróbálja magát valamiben

begin something, do something for the first time
- said especially about something that involves taking a risk 

 példák / examples:
  • He has managed to get his feet wet in the publishing business and is ready to start his own business now. 
  • I am looking forward to learning to drive. I can't wait to get behind the steering wheel and get my feet wet.
  • If you've never invested money in the stock market, now is the time to get your feet wet.
  • Are you ready to get your feet wet?

like a ton of bricks

 formái és jelentései:
hit somebody like a ton of bricks -  váratlanul csap le valakire (negatív esemény)
come down on somebody like a ton of bricks- hirtelen csap le valakire, megdorgál, 
be down on somebody like a ton of bricks - hirtelen csap le valakire, megdorgál, 

 to punish someone very quickly and severely 

  • If you miss any more classes , your teachers will be down on you like a ton of bricks.
  • When he failed to supply his accounts , tax inspectors came down on him like a ton of bricks.
  • The news about the tragic terrorist acts hit us like a ton of bricks.
  • How do you realize that you need to make a change? Is it gradual, or does it hit you like a ton of bricks?

crack a joke


poént elsüt

to tell a joke, to make a joke

  • NYPD( New York Police Department) arrests a guy for cracking a joke.
A guy cracks a joke about a guy on a bicycle getting a ticket for riding on the sidewalk and ends up in handcuffs and under arrest. Apparently making jokes about people's misfortunes is illegal in New York....
arrest= letartóztat
get a ticket for riding ont the sidewalk= megbüntetik, mert a járdán teker kerékpárjával
ends up in handcuffs = bilincsben köt ki

NYPD Arrests Guy For Cracking A Joke - Watch MoreFunny Videos

she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth

Nagyon gazdagnak születik.
("ezüst kanállal a szájában") 

to have opportunities that you did not earn but that you have from the influence of your family

példa / example:
  • He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked in his life.

tar somebody with the same brush

"Egy kalap alá vesz." 
 (ugyanazzal az ecsettel bekátrányoz :)
to believe wrongly that someone or something has the same bad qualities as someone or something that is similar

  • I admit that some football supporters do cause trouble but it's not fair that we're all being tarred with the same brush.
  • Don't tar all drinkers with the same brush.
  • Don't tar me with the same brush. 
  • I have to speak up here for recruiters because I am one, a good one, who gives a professional and worthy service and so to all critics of recruiters I would say this, don’t tar us all with the same brush AND check out a few facts before you cast your stone!( tovább)

példák nyers fordítása: 
  • Elismerem, hogy egyes football szurkolók "bajt kevernek", de nem fair hogy mindannyiunkat egy kalap alá vesznek.
  • Ne vegyél mindenkit, aki iszik egy kalap alá.
  • Ne vegyél (vele, velük) egy kalap alá.
  •  A humánosok ( állások betöltését szakmaszerűen végzők) érdekében kell szóljak, mert én is az vagyok, egy jó humános, aki profi és értékes munkát nyújt. Szóval a összes bírálónknak azt mondanám, hogy ne vegyetek minket mindig egy kalap alá és ellenőrizzetek néhány tényt mielőtt ránk vetitek a követ.

put me off something (driving/ sex/ being a hitchhiker ..etc.)

elvette a kedvem valamitől 
(vezetéstől/ szextől / attól, hogy stoppos legyek, stb.)

put somebody off something/ somebody = to make somebody lose interest in or enthusiasm for something/somebody

" Medusas didn't put me off swimming in the sea."
A medúzák nem vették el a kedvem, hogy ússzak a tengerben.

példák nyers fordításra: 
  • ( A baleset hosszú időre elvette a kedvem a vezetéstől. )
  • ( A legtöbb ember a szaga miatt utálja a fokhagymát. )
  • (A rossz tapasztalatok elvették a kedvem a stoppolástól.)
  • (A rossz tapasztalatok elvették a kedvem a stoppolástól.)
  • ( A részeg fiúk elvették a kedvem attól, hogy harisnya nélkül menjek bulizni.)
  • ( Ne engedd , hogy elriasszon a külseje, igazán nagyon kedves ember.)
  • ( Ne mondd meg Márknak, milyen nehéz a tanfolyam, csak elveszed a kedvét.)

take me for a fool

jelentése/ meaning:
hülyének néz
take somebody for something: valaminek néz valakit, valakit valaminek tart 

Do you take me for a fool?

  • Do you take me for a fool ?
  • What do you take me for?
  • What do you take me for, an idiot?
  • They obvioously take me for an Englishman. Which I am—more or less. I was born here anyway.
  • I take him for an optimist

by and large

többnyire / mindent összevetve

mostly, more often than not, all things considered

"By and large, 2011 was a good year."

  • By and large, woman can bear pain better than men.
  • By and large, the performance was a success.
  • There were bad days but, but it was a pleasant summer, by and large.
  • It was, by and large, an unexceptional presentation.

get the hang of something

jelentése / meaning:
rájön a nyitjára, ráérez valamire, rájön a csínjára-bínjára
példák / examples:
  • I haven't yet got the hang of how to use the new washing machine.
  • It took me  a long time to get the hang of skiing.
  • I was never especially interested and never really got the hang of that stupid piano.
  • I can't get the hang of meditation.
  • Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. ( You'll learn soon how it is done.)
rokon értelmű szavak, kifejezések: find out, learn, pick up 

"I can't get the hang of it"

 forrás: danagraves

leave somebody in the lurch

cserben hagy
desert or leave alone in trouble, refuse to help or support someone

 "My car has left me in the lurch."
  • He left me in the lurch when he didn`t come over to help me although he had promised to earlier in the day.  
  • Where were you, John? You really left me in the lurch. 
  • The zip of my favourite jacket decided to dismantle itself and leave me in the lurch. ( zip= cipzár, dismantel= lebont )
  • My car has left me in the lurch so I can't deliver the things I promised.

pull someone`s leg

megtréfál, megviccel valakit
play a joke on somebody, tease somebody, hoax somebody
  • Are you serious about moving back in or are you pulling my leg?
  •  Her grandfather is always pulling her leg when he comes to visit.
  • Is he really angry with me or do you think he's just pulling my leg?
  • Dorothy had me fooled for a while, but finally I realized she was just pulling my leg.

live up to my expectation(s)

beváltják a várakozásomat, a hozzá fűzött reményeim

  • Did university live up to your expectations?
  •  Not only did Inzi live up to my expectations, so did the rest of the team.
  • I know I don't live up to my parents expectations.
  • Will my trip around the world live up to my expectation?
  • The new airport fails to live up to expectations.   

put one`s foot in one`s mouth

elszólja magát, rossz helyen rossz dolgot mond
say something that is the wrong thing to say in a situation, to say something embarrassing or wrong, to say something that one will regret, to make an error 

  • John put his foot in his mouth when he asked the overweight girl if she was pregnant.
  • When I told Ann that her hair was more beautiful than I had ever seen it, I really put my foot in my mouth. It was a wig.
  • He really put his foot in his mouth when he told her about the surprise party.  
  • I really put my foot in my mouth during the interview.
A: This is a great party.
B: Yeah it is!
A: Whose house is this? It is so ugly.
B: It’s my house.
A: Oh. I just put my foot in my mouth.  

have a big mouth 
( talk too much, especially about things that should be secret)
  • She's got such a big mouth - the news'll be all over the village by tomorrow. I knew I shouldn't have mentioned the letter. Oh dear, me and my big mouth!

beat around the bush

kertel / kerülgeti mint macska a forró kását

speak indirectly or evasively, be deliberately unclear in order to mislead or withhold information

szinoníma: prevaricate
ellentét: get to the point (tárgyra tér) / cut to the chase

  • Stop beating around the bush and give us your final decision.
  • I wish Adam would stop beating around the bush and tell us what he really thinks.
  • The blogger should not step out of the focus area of the blog and beat around the bush.
  • Our boss always beats around the bush when he has to tell us bad news.

live up to one's principles

elveihez tartja magát, kitart az elvei mellett 
(to live or act in accordance with one's principles )

stick to one's principles

live up to something = valamivel összhangban él, cselekszik  
(to live or act in accordance with something

nehezebb példamondatok:
  • Principles do not give us algorithms for living. They identify broad requirements we must live up to, but they do not actually tell us what to do.
  • Christians have been urged to live up to the very core of Christian principles, to help address the problems of moral decadence that had engulfed the youth of today. (cikk)
  • Every one of us has a role to play in the evolution of our planet, and to achieve world peace each of us must live up to our responsibilities and obligations.

cost an arm and a leg

méregdrága, gatyád is rámegy

  • Buying a house in 46 Avenue will cost an arm and a leg. Its a very expensive area.
  • His new sports car cost an arm and leg. ( Az új sportkocsija méregdrága volt. )
  • Get ready to pay an arm and a leg for gasoline. (Készülj fel, hogy a gatyád is rámegy a gázolajra. )
  • It will cost you an arm an a leg. (A gatyád is rá fog menni.)

get on with somebody

(jól) kijön valakivel (Have a good relationship with someone)


  • He's not getting on well with his girlfriend's parents at the moment.
  • The three children get on very well together. / with each other
  • Lívi and I got on well, and i missed her when she left.
  • Do you get on well with your neighbours/ classmates?
szinoníma: get along with somebody
  •  The way you handle bringing a new cat into your home will determine how well your cats get along with each other in the beginning. 
  • I don't get along with my sister- we have nothing in common.   (~Nem jövök jól ki a húgommal- semmi közös nincs bennünk. )

bite the bullet

állja a sarat, nekidurálja magát, lenyel veszteséget  (endure in a difficult situation, face a difficult situation bravely)


  • I have decided to bite the bullet and begin studying for my Master`s degree.
  • I think you should bite the bullet and divorce him as soon as possible.
  • You are just going to have to bite the bullet and make the best of it.
  • Many of these people will bite the bulletand give her money, because it serves the larger goal ... that of getting Obama elected.
  • So you think he'll just bite the bullet and keep smiling.

come to terms with sg.

elfogad kellemetlen helyzetet , érzelmi csapást
kibékül, megbékél nehéz helyzettel
  • Finally, she managed to come to terms with her dog's sudden death. Végül sikerült elfogadnia kutyája hirtelen halálát.
  • It's very hard coming to terms with the fact that you'll never have children. Nagyon nezéz megbékélni a ténnyel, hogy sosem lesz gyereked.
  • How did you come to terms with your diagnosis? 
  • The Israeli government needs to come to terms with that, or it will suffer the same fate as S. Africa

behind the times

régimódi, elmaradt
old-fashioned, out of date


  • My uncle is a little behind the times.
  • When it comes to women's rights, my grandfather is way behind the times. ( ~Ha a nők jogai kerülnek szóba, nagyapám igencsak régimódi )
  • I have never tweeted, am I behind the times? ( to tweet= beír, "csiripel" ) Soha nem használtam a twittert, régimódi vagyok ?
  • You Know You Are Technologically Behind The Times When ..... ( ~Tudod, hogy technológiailag elmaradt vagy, ha... )

forrás: g_kat26

bring up a child

 felnevel egy gyereket

bring up memories

 előhoz, felelevenít emlékeket

  • It's funny how the smell of perfume can bring up memories. ( funny: különös, furcsa, vicces, nem mindennapi)
  • Songs that bring up memories every time you hear them. (Dalok, melyek emlékeket idéznek fel, minden alkalommal, amikor hallod őket.)
  • My  ex keeps bringing up old memories of the times we used to be together.                       ( ~Az "exem" folyton régi emlékeket emleget azokból az időkből, amikor együtt voltunk. )
  • Now, if that doesn't bring up memories of the 80's then I don't know what does.                       (~Nos, ha ez nem hoz elő emlékeket a nyolcvanas évekből, akkor nem tudom mi fog. )

bring up (the subject of/ the idea of ...)

felhoz egy témát 
múlt idő alakja: brought/brought

have a word with somebody

beszél valakivel, pár szót vált valakivel

  • I'll have a word with him about the repairs.
  • I must have a word with Jim about his plans.
  • George, could I have a quick word with you?
  • May I have a word with you ?

Embraced by Words

ask for trouble

kihívja a sorsot maga ellen, maga keresi a bajt

  • He is asking for trouble with his behavior ( behavior= viselkedés, magatartás)
  • If you think you are saving time and money by not having an Anti-Virus program you are only asking for trouble. (by not having an Anti-Virus program= azzal / az által, hogy nincs vírusvédő szoftvered)
  • You're asking for trouble when you tease Mike Tyson. (tease= ingerel, kötekedik) 
Some people ask for trouble? Egyesek keresik a bajt? -
fire stunt gets out of hand - elvadul a tüzes mutatvány :

from way back

régről (pl.: ismerni valakit régről)


  • I know him from way back.
  • a photo from way back ( egy fotó régről )
  • Take a moment to re-read these posts from way back in July about....
  • Surely you have some great memories from way back when you used to play Everquest? ( ~ Biztosan vannak szép emlékeid  régről, mikor Everquest-et játszottál ?! )

szinonima: since a long time ago 

all of a sudden

(nagy) hirtelen, váratlanul
  • Then all of  a sudden he fell asleep. Nagy hirtelen álomba merült, elaludt.
  • All of a sudden it became cloudy and began to rain.
  • All of a sudden the lights went off.

szinonimák: suddenly

bet on the wrong horse

rossz lóra tesz
  • I think that he bet on the wrong horse by putting all of his money into that new stock.(stock= részvény)
  • Are Google and Nokia betting on the wrong horse in the smartphone race
  • Hillary bet on the wrong horse when she teamed up with Obama.

I am all ears

csupa fül vagyok

  • I'm all ears, please tell me about the party.
  • We can talk now, I'm all ears.
  • When I said we were going to go away on vacation ha was all ears.

call off something

lefújni, törölni valamit (találkozót, utat....stb.)


2. jelentés: visszahív, visszatart
  • Call off your dogs. Hívd vissza a kutyáid! (amik éppen készülnek megenni engem )

last but one

utolsó előtti

  • It's the last but one day in the atheletics programme. Ez az utolsó előtti nap...
  • The Hungarian team finished last but one. A magyar csapat utolsó előttiként végzett.
  •  In the last but one line..... az utolsó előtti sorban.
  • On my last but one journey I found myself ambling around Soho looking in vain for something other than biscotti to eat.  ( find myself doing something= azon kapom magam; to amble = baktat,lépked;  in vain= hiába ; other than... = mást mint... )
next to last, penultimate, second to last, second last,

turns out to be

.... /turned out to be...../has turned out to be

bizonyul valamilyennek vagy valaminek / kiderül, hogy.../ úgy tűnik...
  • It turned out to be rumor. Szóbeszédnek bizonyult.
  • The rookie turned out to be the team's best hitter. Az újonc bizonyult a csapat legjobb ütőjátékosának. Kiderült, hogy az újonc a legjobb ütőjátékos.
  • 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True  33 összeesküvés elmélet, ami igaznak bizonyult (kattints rá a cikk eléréséhez )
  • Facebook has turned out to be the biggest social network website  all over the world.  Mára a facebook lett a legnagyobb közösségi oldal az egész világon. (vált azzá, bizonyult a legnagyobbnak )
  • In the end he's turned out to be right on almost everything. Végül majdnem mindenben igaza lett. ( közelmúlt eseményeiről beszélünk, így present perfect igeidő )
  • iPad turns out to be big business in mobile computing.  "Az iPad nagy üzletnek bizonyul a mobil számítástechnikában." Úgy látszik nagy üzlet az iPad a mobil számítástechnikában.

it goes without saying / needless to say

1. It goes without saying...
mondanom sem kell,  (ez) magától értetődik, nyilvánvaló
  • It goes without saying that we're delighted about .... the new baby / my husband's payrise /..etc.   Mondanom sem kell (mennyire) örülünk az..... új babának / férjem fizetésemelésének.....
  • It goes without saying that success is the product of hard work.
  • It goes without saying that over time in an essentially finite world such a growth curve cannot be sustained (~ Nyilvánvaló, hogy idővel - egy alapvetően véges világban - ilyen növekedési görbe nem tartható fenn. )       további példák egy fenntarthatóságról szóló cikkben
  • It should go without saying that a person should be allowed to marry whomever they choose. ~Természetesnek kellene lennie, hogy azzal házasodhassunk, akit csak választunk (magunknak). 

dal Youtube-on : Scary Kids Scaring Kids- Goes without saying 

 2. It is needless to say...    /there is no need to say so 
mondanom sem kell, (ez) magától értetődik, nyilvánvaló
  • Needless to say I didnt't get the position. - Mondanom sem kell, nem kaptam meg az állást.
  • (it is) Needless to say I agree with you  on the health risk of it but... Természetesen egyet értek veled az egészségügyi kockácatával kapcsolatban, de.....
  • (it is) Needless to say I agree with you that it is very expensive but...                    Vitában az utóbbi mondatkezdés jól jön.
  • Sound quality is, needless to say, near perfect. A hangminőség - mondanom sem kell- majdnem tökéletes. 
Sokkal hamarabb fog eszedbe jutni ez kifejezés mikor szükséged lesz rá, ha magad is alkotsz vele egy mondatot.  Írd ide a megjegyzések közé!

    cut corners

    1. levágja az utat, rövidít, 
                     példa :
    He cut corners going home in a hurry. (he went the shortest way )
    2. egyszerűsít, spórol (egyszerűsít munkát, ügyet.. ./ megkönnyíti a dolgát), lehető leggyorsabb, legegyszerűbb, legolcsóbb módon old meg valamit  -sokszor a minőség rovására

    • We've had to cut corners to make a film on such a small budget. (budget=költségvetés)
    • Don't cut corners with travel insurance on your 2011 holiday ! (insurance= biztosítás)
    • 15 Great Ways to Cut Corners and Save Some Real Cash (cash= készpénz )
    • Cutting corners in production led to a definite loss in product quality (lead to something, múltidőben: led to something, = vezet valamihez)

    Ebből a videóból megtudhatod miért nem jó levágni a kanyart :)  
    Némi akcentusa van a férfinak- nyelvtanuláshoz ideális azoknak akik nemzetközi cégnél képzelik el a jövőjüket :)

    in the long run

    jelentése: hosszú távon, végül, végül is

    • In the long run we will all die.
    • Natural or organic food may seem expensive, but in the long run, it works out to be cheaper. (works out to be= bizonyul valamilyennek)
    • A U.S. study has found that diets don't work in the long-run with about two-thirds of dieters putting back the weight they lost. (study=tanulmány) (dieter= diétázó ember) 
    • In the long run Wikileaks strengthens democracy.  (strengthen= erősít )
    • Stocks outperform bonds in the long run. ( A részvények hosszú távon  "felülmúlják" a kötvényeket. )

    ellentéte: in the short run (over a short period of time), =rövid távon

    Time doth fly: man must die

    last straw

    jelentése: utolsó csepp a pohárban , ( szó szerinti fordításban: utolsó szalmaszál )

    • Claire had a bad day in school yesterday. She lost her favourite book, then she fell down, and when she realized she had broken her glasses, that was the last straw and she began to cry.
    • For me, this was the last straw.
    • The last straw came when an old man stared at me and I could see in his eyes he was undressing me.

    eredeti formája: 'the last straw which breaks the camel's back'  Így is használják ma is! Az utolsó szalmaszál, ami eltöri a teve hátát.

    A 'straw' szívószálat is jelent, a képen a last straw which breaks the camel's back is a 'szívószál'.